Sitemap - 2014 - Existential Politics

How Heidegger shows us the meaning of society

Karl Polanyi and the politics and economics of mass immigration

In Praise of Yvette Cooper - for standing up against the paralysing ‘liberal’ consensus

How social liberalism’s triumph is turning to defeat

A letter to potential UKIP voters – from the liberal establishment

Of drift and doubt: on Ed Miliband’s conference speech

The English problem

A few short thoughts on Scotland and the United Kingdom

Notes and Fragments, Part II

Some thoughts on the environment and politics, and other things

There’s no getting away from it: Rotherham exposes the liberal-left’s moral vacuum

Mrs Thatcher was actually right: there is no such *thing* as society

The bullying of Austin Mitchell shows once more where hegemony lies in Labour

NUS double-talk on university admissions: a classic of the genre

What's the Point of Equality?

The immigrationists: continuing their fight against democracy

Labour has fallen in with the wrong kind of feminist

Five books for summer reading

A cynic’s guide to Labour’s NEC elections

Labour’s infrastructure commission would be a Treasury-controlled monster

Owen Jones: playing to the crowd

Why the left is in such a muddle over immigration

Labour's mixed-up confusion on race and diversity

On knowledge and ignorance: Karl Popper’s legacy for today

The rise of ideological feminism (Part III on Karl Popper and contemporary ideologies)

False prophecies – and Islamism as political ideology: Part II on Popper and ideology

Karl Popper and the fight against nonsense ideology. Part I

UKIP’s European surge – lessons for the left

The beauty and the beast of liberalism

In praise of Heidegger, the Nazi

We shouldn’t be fighting Tony Blair’s Middle East ‘battle’

Food Banks: Of community - and polarised politics

Liberal poster outrage, and the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of UKIP

One Nation Quotas: uniting by division?

A speech not delivered at the Labour Special Conference on party reform

(Almost) All Good: thoughts on The Collins Review into Labour Party Reform

Why the Green Party will never break through

On identity and oppression

Labour, Gender and PMQs

Schopenhauer on Hegel: "A flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan."

On land

A note on ignorance from Kant

On the Political – immigration and Chantal Mouffe’s challenge to liberal orthodoxy

A Thought for the New Year from Nelson Mandela